Gain Cyber Risk Visibility into your Portfolio
Cyber Risk Score ™ allows any organization to assess its cyber security risk against 25 key indicators in a manner of minutes. The Cyber Risk Score is made up of two key elements – the organization’s “inherent” cyber risk score and the “cyber maturity” risk score. The Inherent Risks is based on key business indicators that are common for many businesses, including the amount of sensitive data collected and structure of the business. The Cyber Maturity Risk is a measure of the organizations progress against over 50 leading cyber security practices. Together these metrics provide unprecedented visibility into any group or organizations.
Quickly Benchmark your Cyber Security Program
Our Cyber Maturity report measures your organization against 40 key cyber leading practices. Build a robust and defensible cyber security program and improve your score.
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Valuable Insights
Quickly identify which areas of cyber security your organization is lacking relative to industry leading practices. Benchmark your program against leading practices and your peers across a variety of industries.
Integrated with ComplianceShield
Cyber Risk Scoring is included as part of our ComplianceShield platform. Using our built-in library of compliance tools, your organization can save time and money improving the cyber maturity of the organization.
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