Cyber Certification – Key Benefits

The Information Shield ™ Cyber Certification provides key benefits over other methods of cyber security program validation.

Consistent:  Common Information Security and Data Privacy Controls

Unlike a traditional SOC II Type II report, which varies in both form and content from business to business, an Information Shield Cyber Certification provide a consistent view of information security controls that can scale across different organizations.

Simple:  Supported by our Security Control Library

We have dramatically reduced the complexity of cyber security program validation by providing a pre-defined set of common controls, policies, tools and supporting evidence.    This streamlined approach can save an organization many months and many thousands of dollars determining the scope and content of the validation program.

Integrated:  Supported by Wizard-Based Software

The Cyber Security Certification program is integrated in our Compliance Shield software platform.  No more spending weeks of manual effort preparing compliance artifacts.  Using Compliance Shield your organization can establish their cyber security baseline in minutes instead of week.

Defensible: Based on Key Leading Practices

The Cyber Security Certification is based on a core set of information security and data privacy controls that have proven effective at reducing risk and enabling compliance.  Our comprehensive library of controls addresses all the essential elements of information security and data privacy, culled from leading frameworks including ISO 27002, NIST CSF and GDPR.

Cost Effective:  Save over 50% compared to a SOC II Report

Organizations can easily spend from $25K to $100K obtaining a SOC II.  While the SOC II report is valuable, it does not scale well to small and medium sized business.   By standardizing large parts of the certification process, the Information Shield Certification puts program validation within reach for any organization.

Flexible:  Supporting Many Business Types

The Information Shield ™ Certification recognizes that all businesses are not the same.   Whether your organization is a small virtual company or a large multinational, your program can still benefit from validation.  The Cyber Certification scales based on common business types and divides the security assessment based on business attributes.

Standardized:  Cyber Risk Scoring

Use our Cyber Risk Score ™ to benchmark your organization against key cyber security elements and other organizations.   Customer can easily demonstrate cyber security due-diligence to senior management, auditors, and regulators with a few simple reports.  Our built-in security baselines provides a “Code of Conduct” that can be used to verify compliance with regulators, processors and customers.

Shareable:  Share Compliance Results with Business Partners

Once certified, your organization can seamlessly share your compliance evidence and artifacts with customers, regulators or business partners.  No more sending spreadsheets and compliance documents via email.

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