Schedule a Demo of Compliance Shield

Is your organization protected against the latest threats?

Over $27 Billion is lost each year by not following essential cyber practices.   Is your organization prepared?

According to the FBI* and Cyber Insurance claims, the vast majority of cyber security breaches come from a single problem:  Organizations are not not establishing basic cyber security principles.   Don’t be one of them!

Using Information Shield you can easily establish a cyber program that addresses key regulations and protects against the latest threats.  We have created a streamlined process for your organization to quickly assess your cyber program and begin filling any gaps.

What you get from Information Shield:

  • Confidently tell management that you are protected against the latest threats
  • Save money on cyber insurance
  • Validate to customers and supply chain partners that you are a good cyber risk

Using our wizard-based software, you can register with ComplianceShield and start assessing your cyber program risk.   Once you identify any gaps, ComplianceShield has the tools you need to reduce risk and address the key controls required to improve your program.  Need help?  Our network of Virtual CSO’s can offer advice and guidance.

Get your free Cyber Risk Score today!

See how ComplianceShield can quickly help you identify and address gaps in your cyber security program.  Start a FREE trial and get your free Cyber Risk Score and benchmark report.  It takes less than 5 minutes to get started!

Sources:  * FBI Cyber Crime Study   ** NetDiligence Cyber Claims Study.

See why over 10,000 companies trust Information Shield to simplify cyber security policies and compliance with data protection laws.

ComplianceShield consolidates the pieces of essential information security management into one, easy-to-understand dashboard.

Schedule a Demo Today