Tag Archives: Writing Security Policies

5 Elements of Effective Information Security Policies

Use these 5 tips to take your information security policies off the shelf and put them into action. Information Security Policies – The Foundation Information Security Policies are the foundation of your cyber security program. They create the “written rules” that define how controls are implemented and audited. They are typically the first set of […]

Key Elements of Information Security Policies

What is an information security policy? An Information Security Policy is a formal document that defines controls within your information security program. An information security policy is a high-level business rule that must be followed by the organization. Example Policy: All Company X user accounts must be approves by a member of the information technology […]

Information Security Policies for PCI-DSS V3

The PCI Security Standards Council just released Version 3.0 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), the set of requirements for protecting credit card data.  The update had some significant changes, including a greater focus on third-party information security. There are many articles describing the new changes to PCI-DSS V3, including a nice […]

Most SMBs have no Information Security Policies

87% of Business in 2012 survey have no Acceptable Use Policies Phishing attacks are now among the top security risks for organizations. Yet, according to a recent survey of small and medium-sized businesses (SMB), a full Eighty-seven (87%) percent do not have a formal written Internet security policy for employees. These findings are from a […]

Information Classification – The Link between Security and Privacy

Most of the attention focused on information security today surrounds the public data breach. Almost daily we hear a new report about hundreds or thousands of records of personal information being improperly disclosed.  In fact, it is the loss of private data that drives most of the regulatory environment designed to enforce security.  GLBA, HIPAA [...]

The Information Security Policy Hierarchy

Developing A Governing Policy & Subsidiary Policies A Maturing Field: As the discipline of information security becomes more sophisticated, codified, standardized, and mature, it is not surprising that the old-fashioned approach to information security policy writing is no longer appropriate. We are talking here about the “one-size-fits-all” information security policy that is supposed to apply […]

Implied Security Policies Create Added Risk

The US Supreme Court has overturned a lower-court ruling and concluded that management has a right to review employee text messages on company-issued devices. If used as a precedent, this case may have far-reaching consequences for employee expectations of privacy in workplace communications. However, the ruling should also serve as a wake-up call for organizations […]

The Total Cost of Information Security Policy Management

In this paper we develop a cost model for estimating the Total Cost of Policy Management (TCPM). This paper is designed to help organizations estimate the true costs of ongoing policy management by understanding the details of each phase of security policy management. The Total Cost of Information Security Policy Management

The ROI of Pre-written Security Policies

Security Policy University is blog devoted to IT or information security professionals responsible for writing, publishing, maintaining and enforcing information security and data privacy policies. The blog has posts from a variety of experts in the field of information security and data privacy and encourages thoughtful comments. This Information Security Policy University blog is maintained [...]

Information Security Policies and ISO 27001 certification

The paper discusses the importance of information security policies within an information security management system (ISMS), including the benefits of using Information Shield publications in obtaining certification against the new ISO 27001 standard. Information Security Policies and ISO 27001 certification